Friday, December 26, 2008

Livomyn Syrup and Tablet

Each 5 ml Syrup contains:
Name of Ingredient Latin/ English Name Quantity Bhumyamalaki Phyllanthus niruri 100 mg
Triphala >>>> 90 mg
Rohitak Amoora rohituka 75 mg
Kasni Cichorium intybus 75 mg
Vasa Adhatoda vasica 50 mg
Bhringaraj Eclipta alba 50 mg
Shunthi Zingiber officinale 35 mg
Daruhardira Berberis aristata 25 mg
Parpata Fumaria officinalis 15 mg
Vidanga Embelia ribes 15 mg
Sharpunkha Tephrosia purpurea 15 mg
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia 15 mg
Kumari Aloe barbadensis 10 mg
Kalmegh Andrographis paniculata 3 mg
Katuki Picorrhiza kurroa 3 mg
Flavoured syrupy base q.s

offers antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.
LIVOMYN ensures protection of hepatocytes against various toxins.
LIVOMYN is a combination of time tested and well-documented herbs. Phyllanthus niruri exhibits marked inhibitory effect on Hepatitis B virus and anti-inflammatory activity; Picrorrhiza kurroa increases the production and flow of bile; Boerhaavia diffusa significantly inhibits the cell proliferation. Thus, LIVOMYN is an ideal hepatoprotective.

1) Viral hepatitis
2) Drug induced hepatotoxicity.
3) Alcohol induced hepatotoxicity.
4) Cholestatic jaundice

Dosage Syrup
Adults: 15 ml syrup two times a day
children: 5 ml syrup two times a day

Syrup: Bottle of 100ml /200ml /450 ml.

Do 's
1) Simple and easily digestible food items – leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and fresh juices.
2) Prefer luke warm water
3) Small but frequent quantity of food is advised for patients suffering from liver disorders or diseases to maintain normal liver functions.
4) Bed rest
Dont 's
1) Consumption of alcohol and hepatotoxic drugs like paracetamol, NSAIDs
2) Excessive intake of tea and coffee should be avoided.
3) Avoid smoking and chewing of tobacco
4) Avoid oily and spicy food
5) Avoid excessive physical and psychological stress.

Livomyn Tablet

Each coated tablet contains:
Name of Ingredient Latin/ English Name Quantity Bhumyaamalaki Phyllanthus niruri 250 mg
Triphala 225 mg
Kasni Cichorium intybus 187.5 mg
Punarnava Boerhaavia diffusa 187.5 mg
Rohitak Amoora rohituka 187.5 mg
Bhringaraj Eclipta alba 125 mg
Vasa Adhatoda vasica 125 mg
Shunthi Zingiber officinale 87.5 mg
Daruharidra Berberis aristata 62.5 mg
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia 37.5 mg
Sharpunkha Tephrosia pupurea 37.5 mg
Parpata Fumaria officinalis 37.5 mg
Vidanga Embelia ribes 37.5 mg
Dhanyak Coriandrum sativum 25 mg
Kumari Aloe barbadensis 25 mg
Kalmegh Andrographis paniculata 7.5 mg
Katuki Picrorrhiza kurroa 7.5 mg

Dosage Tablets
Adults: 1 to 2 tablets two times a day
children: 1 tablet two times a day
Tablets: Strip of 20 tablets / Jar of 500 tablets.

Ayurveda - Traditional Indian Medicine

Yoga for Hepatic disease

A yogasana aims to attain a sustained and comfortable sitting posture to facilitate meditation. They also have wide range of therapeutic use. Meditation helps to calm the mind. Yoga also helps to cultivate Sattva and Ojas which is critical for a positive mind frame and healing process.

Asanas most helpful in hepatic conditions are vajraasana, shalabhasana, halasana, padahastasana, abdomen lift and stomach lift.
Apart from the above Ardha Navasana works on liver, gall-bladder and spleen and helps to strengthen abdominal muscles. Sarvangasana works on glands and inner organs, especially heart and liver. Halasana stimulates stomach, spleen, small intestines, heart, liver, gall bladder, & kidney. Paschimothasana aids in condition of enlarged liver and spleen. Salabhasana stimulates pranic flow in the lung, stomach, spleen, heart, liver, small intestine, pericardium, & bladder meridians, increase digestive fire, and maximizes use of all nutrients, produce body heat. Dhanurasana helps to restore energy, vigor, youthful vitality, stimulates lung, small intestine, stomach, liver, & urinary bladder meridians.
In addition to these Ardha matsyendrasana, Mayurasana Trikonasana , and shavasana , also assist in hepatic conditions.
Care should be taken while performing Yoga and should be done only at morning or evening. Pranayama helps in all disease conditions. Chanting of manthra and meditation in a quiet place is important to heal different emotions associated with liver. Nature walk and gazing at moon also helps to balance pitta.

Ayurveda - Natural Healthcare

Viral Disease – Ayurvedic medicine

Ayurveda, an ancient health care system which has its origin in Indian subcontinent, views healthy life to be a combination of body, mind and soul. Any disorders related to human is thus treated in a whole, so that it is rectified at its root only. Hence it recommends the ayurvedic herbal formulations for treating various virus diseases, to be taken along with a modified life style/diet/relaxation techniques/yogic practice. To mention few of them are as below :

1) Smallpox which is caused by a virus named variola can be treated by taking a decoction of ingredients like neem bark, white sandal wood. amla, khas, parh, pitta papra. red sandalwood, kutki, yavasa etc and it has to be consumed along with raw sugar. Also one may take 100 mg of swarnamakhshik bhasma along with decoction of kanchnar bark

2) Tonsillitis which is caused by a viral infection can be treated by making a linctuses made of vast, honey., karajan, dacha etc. Also one may boil the flowers of banaphsa then mixed with water and drunk hot.

3) It is a great news that ayurveda has remedy for AIDS too, which is a set of diseases which results due to the loss of defense system of body by human immune deficiency virus HIV. For treating this deadly disease take Raktavardhak which helps in boosting the immunity, sookshma triphala tablets that helps in fighting the infections present in the body or one may take Chyavanprash that helps in making immune system strong at the same time it helps in digestive, respiratory and sexual system to function well.

4) It recommends to use honey along with cinnamon powder regularly as it helps in strengthening the white blood corpuscles and fight against the viral disease.

5) The person is more prone to viral disease, which is mostly air borne, can be prevented if his immunity is strong which can be enhanced by taking Ayurvedic herbal formulations like Ayurveda Guduchi rasayana.

- Liv-52- Restores the metabolic efficiency of the liver.

Tags : Ten herbs for the future, Liver diseases- Ayurveda concept, Viral Disease – Panchakarma,Viral Diseases – Diet and Lifestyle,Liver diseases- Ayurveda concept,Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicines.

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